Meta Programs and Effective Use in Coaching

The quality of coaching makes the coaching sessions more effective and at the same time increases the satisfaction of the clients.

Meta programmes help to understand each individual’s own unique language of communication and therefore to know the person in depth. Knowing the client in depth is the most important facilitating factor of the coaching session.
In my first years as a coach, even though I did have the proper information of Meta Programmes, I could not use them effectively as I did not understand the importance. Then, I realized that the impact of my sessions were doubled when I used them consciously. So, I organized this trainig in order to support all the coaches who are interested.

If you are a Coach, Consultant or Mentor who wishes to:

  • Establish a better rapport in any sessions
  • To increase the level of listening
  • To increase the power of questions

You can join this programme individually or as a group.

At the end of this 3-hour programme, you will acquire carefully gathered information and at the same time you can consolidate what you have learned right away by practising them. After 1 week, by practising during the control session, you will keep yourself on track so that you can make the learning process permanent.

If you would like increase your coaching client's satisfaction

Frequently Asked Questions

4 hours + 2 hours

You must have completed a coaching program

With a preliminary interview you have a chance to ask all your questions.

Full money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied after you finished the whole program.
